Friday 25 February 2011

Deadlines for Next Week

Next week we will be looking at rendering and lighting your camera.  We then need to put the rendered camera into a magazine style poster.

What you need to do first is find 3 examples of a magazine full page advertising poster so that we can look at the layout and style.  Over the weekend look for these examples and bring them in on Monday.

These are some examples of what we are looking for:

Tuesday 22 February 2011

This Week's Deadline - 25/2/11

Your deadline this week is to complete the orthographic drawing with a section.

To get the correct dimensions (British Standards) you must go to:

File > Document Settings > Document Preferences > Dimensions.

You then need to create a new dimensioning setting and call it something you will remember.  You will get this screen and you need to change this 0 to 2 to ensure that your dimensions do not touch your drawing.

You may have to draw "phantom circles" in order for the circle dimension to work.  No Problem, just draw the circle the exact size you need but change the line and fill to none.  You won't see this circle, but the computer will then be able to dimension it :)

You need to make sure that your outlines/hidden detail are black and thicker than the dimensions.

You should put in centre lines and the section plane in red.

You should make your dimensions green or blue.

The MAIN focus of the drawing should always be the camera!  Not the dimensions.

Make sure that you only ever draw a dimension once, and don't make your drawing too messy with too many dimensions all over the place.

Orthographic View of Camera with Sectional End Elevation

Friday 18 February 2011

CAD Revision

Here is a sheet to help you remember some of the CAD commands.

Remember that you need to know the GENERIC terms for the CAD commands because not everyone uses VectorWorks!  You can also use page 49 of the Leckie and Leckie Text book.

Today's Deadline- Isometric Drawings

Today's Deadline is the Isometric Drawings. 

I have included below examples of these drawings, but take note that my camera model is very very basic and I expect yours to include text and filleting as well as the basic body shape!

Assembled Isometric with Section

Exploded Isometric with Parts List

Dates for Hand In

Intermediate 2 Graphic Communication - Presentation Folio

To help you make sure that you have everything handed in on time stick to these deadlines for handing in your Presentation Folio.

Remember to use the checklist to ensure that you have added all the details required.

18/2/11 - All Isometric line drawings (Assembled and exploded)

25/2/11 - Orthographic Drawing - including proper line types, labels and dimensions

3/3/11 - Rendering in CAD - including lighting and textures

10/3/11 - All DTP including the magazine double page spread, and the poster using your CAD camera

14/3/11 - COMPLETE FOLIO including Marker Rendering