Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Deadline 3/3/11

By Wednesday of this week you must have your 3D camera model finished with good textures and lighting.

You need to add two light sources to create good shadows.  I suggest one to pick out the detail on the top of the camera, and one to light the lens. Place the lights on the plan view and then use the front view to adjust the position, and the object info to adjust the tilt/pan/brightness/spread of the light.  Don't change the colour, it just makes it look really odd!

You can use the textures from object info, but these are limited so you can use the resource browser to find more from the library. I will show you how to do this.

You need to take a screen shot (shift+apple+4) of this showing the light sources for your student record, and you need to print this off showing a table, or surface, that your camera is sitting on, straight from VectorWorks. 

This is the image that we are then going to use in the next DTP exercise.

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