Friday, 11 March 2011

Student Record

To complete the work you must write a student record to explain how you produced each piece of your CAD folio.  This proves that you produced it yourself using the guidelines and not from a template.  This does not have to be a long essay detailing every single line you drew!  Just an overview.

Make sure you use the terminology you have learned about both in DTP and CAD

Use the checklist to make sure that you cover all the information required.  If you would like to copy and paste the work you have already done into the correct sheet you can find this on the server:

Curricular > Technology > S3/S4 Int 2 Graphics

You need to print the whole thing off and sign the front to declare that you did all the work yourself.

From the documents you need to include: What this means to you:

  • a description of each graphic item, software and graphic medium used and how the graphic item was produced.
    • What software did you use?  Mention how you used the software and the commands you used to produce each type of drawing from the CAD model, and how you created the CAD model in the first place.  
    • With DTP mention how you set up the page and how you then used the commands to create your magazine article.  (The poster comes under CAD illustration and presentation along with the final rendering of your camera with lighting)  
    • When describing marker rendering start from drawing the 2PP sketch and how you used markers first of all to get the different flat tones, and then used pencil to enhance, using white for highlights etc.
  • an acknowledgment (including source) of all scanned, captured or clip art images used
    • For all images you used you must say where it came from i.e. the website, or if you took a photo yourself.
  • a description of any work carried out to enhance any of the scanned, captured or clip art images.
    • No matter where the image came from, if you used photoshop, or just in InDesign, (or any other editing software) mention this in your student record.  Say what you did to it i.e. changed the colouring, cropped, made a clipping path, changed the opacity. Remember to mention the software you used to make these changes.
You also have to ensure that you have saved an electronic copy of ALL your CAD and DTP work onto the server.  

First put all your final drawings into one folder (make sure you don't include drawings from a previous save) and make sure that they have sensible names.  Make sure your name is the name of the folder.

Drag this folder into:

Curricular > Technology > Graphics Drop Folder (it's green) > Int 2 > Miss Rae

So that when I check this on Monday at 3:30pm, I will have a folder from each of you, with all your work in it.

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